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Can I Help a Professional Feel Confident in Networking?


Can I help a professional feel confident in networking? No. Can I give them specific steps to do before, during and after a networking event? Definitely.

If you can follow a short checklist for a process, even when nervous, you can build a contact list with the right connections.

The main principles needed to increase a list of good contacts are:

  • Choose the types of people you should be connected with;
  • Choose the right events or organizations;
  • Decide on 2–3 questions to get others talking;
  • Outline how you describe your professional services and results others have experienced;
  • Capture people’s information quickly;
  • Record your new contacts and their information;
  • Deal with all contacts appropriately;
  • Maintain contact with some, in ways people value.

There is no magic, except the discipline of a few good actions. By building your network, you increase your options, opportunities, and even develop some surprising friendships.

I remember when I first started going to networking events, membership organizations and other places to meet people. I knew most people wouldn’t become clients, but I didn’t have a plan on how to deal with strangers, what to do with business cards I’d picked up, and how to keep in contact. I was nervous because the process was not clear. Now I know what to do before, during and after the event. Plus I feel no guilt for discarding inappropriate business cards.

Gap Management works with professionals who wish to grow or refocus their client base. The goal is to build each practice toward the ideal, based on the individual’s preferences and market conditions.