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Experience an Honest Boost in Confidence When You Learn What Clients Really Think


Most of us are better and earn more respect than we believe. For some reason, we have less confidence in ourselves.

You are probably the same. Most professional service providers rate themselves lower than how their clients rate them.

That scientific facts has been proven again and again. But just hearing that makes very little difference on how we perform.

Statistics Don’t Connect

People will rank their own services as “70% Quality” compared to their competition.

Over 85% of past clients will rank the service provider as Very Good or Excellent.

You will probably forget those 2 numbers before you finish reading this.

Yes To Statements & Stories

“The team really cared that the services would look after our needs properly.”

“I really appreciate the skills she has, and how well she completed our project. She listened carefully and delivered to results on time.”

“I am so glad I chose him. His understanding, training and professional work were exactly what was needed.”

Real anecdotes about you will be remembered and passed along as referrals.

Social scientist Adam Grant said:

“If I want to get a read on your personality, I could ask you to fill out a survey… But I would be much better off asking others to rate you: They’re often more than twice as accurate.”

These stories and services feedback are part of the Client Opportunity Report.

The Report makes a big difference in opportunities, income, self-worth and more. When you hear specific comments from a variety of your actual clients, you start believing more in your skills and value.

And that has a positive feedback effect on your service quality. You do better because believe you can.

The payoff comes in a variety of forms:

  • You become more comfortable asking current clients about their need for additional services;
  • You become more positive with people you know;
  • New contacts hear the optimism in your voice.

“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.”

Vince Lombardi, US football coach

And the best part of the Report? It’s all based on the evidence we gather in the interviews. The interviewees, the clients of our client, say “Yes” to the interviews. On average, over 80% will give the few minutes and useful feedback.

Yes, the results lead to positive business effects. But it’s the personal confidence that is so great to witness.

Even accountants like the results:

A Client Opportunity Report usually pays for itself in new income in the first month. That’s directly in new work from past or current clients, more referrals are uncovered, marketing resources get a very significant boost, and new opportunities open up. The whole process even boosts loyalty because people feel more appreciative when asked for feedback and ideas.

One More Thing:

When people are feeling confident about your skills, they are much less concerned about fees and comparing you to others. You stand out in the best ways.

Who This Fits

If you have been working with a variety of clients for a few years or more, if your fees are moderate-to-high, and if people carefully consider your services before saying “Yes”, then the Client Opportunity Report will have a positive R.O.I. And these positive effects can be tracked in nearly any market condition.

Need more information? Let’s talk – there is no cost for our conversation and clear answers.