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Here are 3 Strategies to Boost Your Client Development


Sometimes I talk to frustrated professionals:

  • They need more good long-term clients but not sure how to start marketing efficiently;
  • Occasionally they have an empty schedule and need more potential client meetings;
  • Current clients are only getting some services offered, and could be better served with more services to improve their business;
  • Not happy with the mix of clients now.

There are solutions which generate profitable new business and don’t require big budgets to start.

Here are 3.

1. Grow Your Current Client Engagements

Too often clients don’t know about your other services. A few tactics to build more with your current client list include:

  • Client Satisfaction Survey (we need to ask honest questions, you need to be ready for the answers);
  • Understand each client’s business better;
  • Educate each client a little to open new opportunities.

2. Referral Growth

Your best clients probably know people with similar situations, and they trust you.

  • Understand them enough to learn which new customers they are seeking, and pass along referrals occasionally to them;
  • Teach each a little so they understand results their associates can expect;
  • Ask them about issues they’ve heard about with businesses in their network, and suggest how those can be solved. And ask for a referral when you really believe you can provide solid solutions to their friends and trusted contacts.

3. Shift Client Base

Too many of the wrong types of clients can make you dread going to the office. You can slowly generate new business and “retire” those clients you don’t want.

  • Analyze your contact list and network strategically;
  • Build relationships in new sectors or promote different services to the new contacts;
  • Demonstrate expertise over time increase your “specialist” reputation.Each of these strategies involves a simple plan for building your list, adjusting your reputation and increasing your communications. Then, more business decision-makers will understand your professional services, and learn about your specific skills. As your client base gets stronger, your practice will become much more stable.

Let’s discuss which of these strategies will build your practice carefully and profitably. Call or email today.