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The Business Case for a Custom Marketing Library of Templates


I had just gotten off the phone with a potential client. It was an excellent first conversation.

He told me their current business situation. I dug into that a bit and learned his communications challenges.

He expressed interest in my services because my questions had hit sensitive issues his organization will be tackling soon.

So that led to him and I agreeing to have a more detailed conversation in over a month. They are still tackling technical systems and he asked to be called later.

My Challenge

I needed to send an email to him quickly. He had enthusiastically given me his email address.

I know if I sent an email within 5 minutes, it would really increase his memory of our conversation.

And if I were able to send within 5 minutes, he would know I had templated text ready to use.

Writing a semi-detailed email was more important than speed. I needed to do a little more research so the email would be insightful.

He already understood I understand his challenges and I had outlined my skills well. His enthusiasm was high enough to ask me for more information.

Today I noticed that after I sent him the email, he visited my Linked in profile. So that single conversation became three communication “touches”. Our talk wouldn’t quickly fade away compared to a single conversation this month and an attempt in over four weeks to reconnect.

More Common

That slower response was unusual because their business is new and very unique.

Most often after a first conversation, I can send an email that is 90% written from templates, then modified with key points in our discussion.

Prepared templates really boost productivity

No hesitancy in sending an email. “Later” is often forgotten. Even if you remember to send it at the end of the day, they have probably forgotten the finer points of your discussion.

Templates allow us to be able to find the right content of text, graphic or link very quickly

What’s In Your Library? Frequently Asked Questions, Graphics & More

Most of what people want to learn has been asked before.

Speed & Proof

Easily accessed content also needs to be proven content. Evidence can be testimonials, results with numbers, graphics showing progress and much more.

You need to get feedback on your services, communications, people and the outcomes clients experience. Then you know where your ideas are getting traction or missing the mark.

Outline Of A Marketing Library

  • Potential client interview questions and assessment
  • Presentations
  • Email templates
  • Questions to ask and stories to tell when networking
  • Social posts
  • Web content
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Graphics illustrating a process
  • Photos of projects (before and after are very popular)
  • and so much more – depending on your expertise and clients.

By reviewing your communication needs, your Marketing Library can be defined.

Each time you need to write a new document or make a presentation, do you have a reliable resource to rely on?

If you don’t, you or your staff are wasting time. That’s expensive.