
  • We needed some fresh ideas so I contracted Francis Waller to help build our sales. The services that have been performed for McCrann’s included

    • Review of our sales materials including our website, brochures, display materials, retailer support pieces
    • Recommendations on new sales materials and wrote outlines, letters and other pieces
    • Identified new target markets, created sales tools to deliver our message to these new leads, routines with schedules for our regular staff to prospect and sell of these new markets
    • Facilitated sales meetings where our different managers brought forward their ideas to better serve existing clients and how to deal with the new clients we were attracting.

    Overall, the results were profitable and rewarding.

    Francis was able to see which markets and pieces we needed quickly and inexpensively and which we could delay. Francis’ enthusiasm energized both my staff and me. He was eager to learn our trade and even was willing to lug our heavy sample bag to potential customers offices so he could learn more about McCrann’s customers.

    This process helped us move into new markets to broaden sales and stabilize our business.

    Greg McCrann, McCrann’s Carpet Finishing